If a chlorinator lid begins to leak there are a couple of things to check. First. check the o-ring, and the top of the canister where the top screws on to make sure it is clean and not gunked up, Read More …
If a chlorinator lid begins to leak there are a couple of things to check. First. check the o-ring, and the top of the canister where the top screws on to make sure it is clean and not gunked up, Read More …
The most stressful, time-consuming and expensive problem of any pool or spa is its daily maintenance. It requires a lot of attention in terms of sanitation, cleanliness, temperature control, and chemical balance. Plus, you have to keep a constant eye Read More …
*Note, the Pool Guy does not recommend putting chlorine directly in your skimmer. The high concentration of chlorine as it dissolves can negatively impact your swimming pool pump and heater over time, use either a floater, automatic chlorinator, or invest Read More …
Question: HI, I have a 35,000 gallon pool that I am looking to switch over to salt water. I just had a few question. Seeing that it looks like with that type of system your pump needs to be on Read More …
Question: OK pool guy, I have one for you, 2.5 years ago I bought a house with this beautiful pool that has a jacuzzi in a cave under a concrete rock water fall and a slide around the back side, Read More …
Hayward IG 1 1/2′ Off-Line Chlorinator Hayward’s CL220 off-line chlorinator is quick and simple to install on existing pools with saddle clamp designed fittings included. The CL220 is the easy and economical way to chlorinate your pool water; simply fill Read More …