Pool Tool makes zinc anodes to help alleviate the results of electrolysis in salt water swimming pools. This anode is obviously doing it’s job, though it is so corroded and built up with scale that it is time to change Read More …
Pool Tool makes zinc anodes to help alleviate the results of electrolysis in salt water swimming pools. This anode is obviously doing it’s job, though it is so corroded and built up with scale that it is time to change Read More …
Your swimming pool comes into contact with metal more often than you think. Anything that falls into the pool (bobby pins, toys, debris, etc) can leave rust stains. When they are immersed in salt water you will begin to see Read More …
Rust spots would come from a couple different things – could be bobby pins or other metal that drops to the bottom of the pool – could be nails – could be pennies if they were used to hold the Read More …
Question: Where can I buy a chair for in the pool? What chairs will work? Answer: If you can find plastic chairs, those will be the best. The issue is if it is a liner pool you don’t want anything Read More …
Here is a question we get quite a bit. When the pool walls or stairs have staining, you can use a product like StainFree to take the color off of the pool walls, and it is returning the iron into Read More …