Here, Ask The Pool Guy answers this important question: Is there any Science to the aftermarket Skimmer Contraptions?
If you check your pressure gauge on your pool filter and notice your pool water flow has been slowing down, the first thing you need to do is check your skimmer basket to be sure the water level is high Read More …
You can actually just toss the ferritabs directly into the pool – they dissolve quickly. In the photos we have a pool that was recently filled mostly with a truck, however the first 3′ were with iron filled well water. Read More …
This is not enough water for a skimmer to function properly…if your system running pulls your skimmer basket empty, it’s time to add several inches of water to the pool – and to make sure nothing is obstructing your skimmer. Read More …
Last year I put the chlorine tablets in the filter basket in the deep end, should I use a floater instead? Yes, a floater will be better. If you put them directly in the skimmer basket they put a high Read More …
Q: My pool is in my backyard and is surrounded by trees. I am constantly cleaning leaves and branches from my skimmer basket. Is there any way to make this easier? A: We would recommend trying a filter sock. They Read More …