Choosing proper fill-water is essential for good, quality swim water. If you are in a spot where you need to fill or top-off your swimming pool; you have a few options.
City/Municipal Water:
You can use the hose water and fill your pool from your home water supply. If you live somewhere with city water, you will likely be charged for the water going into the pool and the city might charge a discharge fee as well. If you choose to use city or municipal water please test your water source so you know what it contains. Some cities will treat their water and give it a high pH. Adding water with a high pH to a swimming pool can cause the pool to turn colors. It can also create scale in a pool. Knowing what is in your water will allow you to adjust it accordingly.
Well Water:
It is possible to use well water to fill your pool. Many people in Michigan and around the country do so. Be aware, well water can contain a lot of iron and other minerals which can cause staining and discoloration of swimming pool water and pool surfaces. If you live in an area with a high iron content, you may want to consider putting the water through a pre-filter before adding to the pool. Ask the Pool Guy suggests using a product such as FerriIron Tablets to remove iron from the pool water. They work best with sand filters; FerriIron Tabs will remove the iron entirely from the pool! If you have a pool that has any staining or discoloration from iron/rust you can pre-treat with Natural Chemistry Stain Free, and then use FerriIron Tablets for removal.
If you would prefer to fill your pool with a truck there are some local companies that will be able to assist. Please know how many gallons of water you will need so you can specify if you need one truck or two. It is also helpful to know how long the hose run is from the truck which will park on the street, to the pool area. They need to know how many hoses to bring and how many they will have to set up to deliver the water to your pool.
Water Chemistry: However you end up filling your pool, the water will need to be balanced. It’s important to always test your water and have proper water balance to keep your pool equipment and surfaces in the best condition possible. Please refer to our water chemistry guides, or book Ask the Pool Guy’s Everyday Guide to Swimming Pools for help in balancing your pool water.
Livingston County
Aqua Haul, Fowlerville, MI 517-546-1991
Washtenaw County ** Our Favorite
Blue Water Transport, Ken, 734-429-9185- Based in Saline, will travel to Livingston and surrounding areas.
Genessee County
Michigan Water Transport – Flint, Genessee County – 810-744-2771
Curtz Pool Water (Genessee County) – 810-639-2837
Ken Brown Trucking (Flint Area) 810-230-6725
Macomb Township
Blue Water Trucking, Romeo Michigan 586-752-4529
Oakland County
Aqua Fill 248-684-5008