Question: The water is blue at the present and I am getting ready to open the pool for the summer. The pool water doesn’t usually change colors until I shock the pool—then the iron that has been present reacts and changes the water to brown/green.
Can the ferritabs work before shocking the pool so the discoloration does not occur or does the water have to be discolored for the ferritabs to work properly?
Yes!, the ferritabs can help to remove iron before you shock. What shocking does is bump the pH up – and when that increases the iron comes out of soultion and is visible – but it is there before you shock as well. So treat with ferriabs, backwash, treat again, backwash and add your shock and you should have less discoloration.
Also adjust your alkalinity to 100 and pH to a low side of normal such as 7.4 to help prevent the color changes.