Will FerriTabs work for Well Water and Iron Problems?

I have an above ground pool that I will be filling with water from the well. The spigot is bypassed from the water softener, and it turns rust colored after some time (1-2 hours). I believe it is high  in iron. Would your tablets be the right treatment for this problem? Or is there anything more to do to clear up the water?

If you have a sand filter, our FerriTabs absolutely work wonders and remove the iron from your water.ferritab-product-bottle-copy-300x225FerriTab Use in Pools Before and After

If your pool filter are the cartridges that you can buy replacements at the store (relatively inexpensively) then FerriTabs will also work but they also clog the filter quickly and I usually recommend that you replace them as they fill up with iron vs. trying to clean and reuse them.