Leaf Stains: Causes and Removal

Leaf stain in swimming pools are fairly common. Signs you have leaf stains in your pool:

  • Brown stains begin to form where leaves settle
  • Brown stains that don’t brush away like dirt would
  • Granular chlorine lightens the stains
  • Skimmer basket has a brownish stain as well

How do leaf stains form in my pool? They form when leaves are not quickly removed from the floor and skimmer basket of your pool. leaves bleed tannin oils onto the pool surface and can discolor pools over time. They are usually easy to remove if they are not left on the floor of the pool for extended periods of time.

You may have trees near your pool causing a continual influx of leaves. Make sure you clean out the leaves from the bottom of the pool nad most importantly: empty the skimmer basket frequently. Your skimmer basket can play the role of a tea bag, slowly releasing the tannin oils from the leaves leaving a brownish stain.

Most leaf stains will fade away within a few weeks so it might be beneficial to wait it out to see if they will naturally disappear. If the stains have not lightened within the month you are going to want to get them treated.

If you are unsure of the nature of the stain, do not treat it as a leaf stain. Call your local pool professional to get a proper diagnosis.