Bad Salt Cell?


I’m having issues with my Intellichlor SC40 Salt cell. Flow Switch is red and Salt Level sometimes flashes red/green sometimes solid green. I can usually get the salt level to reset by unplugging the cell and re-plugging in but lately not the flow light. Salt level is fine, and Ive reset the cell a few times. I just changed the flow switch and still red. I have a Mastertemp 400 just before the cell and the Thermal Regulator corroded out and I’m waiting on a new one. I actually found the spring and Thermal regulator up against the fins of the salt cell as it washed through. I’m curious if having the Thermal Regulator out somehow is causing the flow to be low to the cell? On a side note I just cleaned the filter and the flow otherwise looks fine. I can tell usually because I have a sheer decent that will stop if there isn’t enough pressure coming through.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish May 17, 2023

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