Hybrid Pool – Fiberglass Sides/Plaster Bottom


I’m the proud owner of a hybrid pool comprised of fiberglass sides and a plaster bottom. The pool bottom is going to need to be refinished soon and the pool sides are faded. I’d like to renovate the pool, but I don’t plan on staying in this house for more than ten years. The pool is located in the Mid Atlantic states. What is the most cost effective option to renovate this pool? I’ve had people recommend painting the pool with epoxy paint, install a vinyl liner, but most companies won’t touch it.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 3, 2024

That’s two questions with very different answers. The best cosmetic finish, but not cost effective is likely ecoFinish. A vinyl liner wouldn’t match up with your wall fittings/main drain and skimmer and those would all have to be replaced. Pool paint doesn’t last much longer than one or two seasons. So the best answer is to not refinish anything until there is the budget to do a more extensive renovation, whether that is with you or the next owner.

Ask the Pool Guy Changed status to publish July 3, 2024

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