Winter’s Naked Beauty…

There is a naked beauty that shows during the winter season. You can see it when the sun is shining, cloudy, snowing, blowing but the best when it is still. This beauty is found when you look out a window, driving, or as you dash by to get out of the cold. A beauty that is held by the sturdiness of what remains standing after winter arrives. Discovering what shape, contour, dimension or fullness that shows its naked beauty during winter can allow you to plan a incredible garden.
One can gather a tremendous vision of how your garden is shaped by observing the beauty of your landscape in the winter time. Since the leaves, and flowers are resting until spring you can see the true dimension of your landscape. The way the pool, patio, porch or walkway are contoured, do they outline the canvas for where your plantings grow? Could they be sculpted to create a greater flow to the yard? Where do they lead you, in a direct route to the fun, or to a secret spot to sit?
Once you begin to look at your garden during all seasons you can discover where you might enhance the beauty of your yard. Observe the size, shape, fullness, or delicate branching of the plants in your landscape. The infrastructure of a plants branching can be mesmerizing. What is the shape of the branches, are they all compact or flowing, v-shaped or round, does the branching stretch horizontal or vertical? Don’t forget to look up, the naked beauty of shade trees and small trees can be in a league of their own. As you wander through do you see the shape or dimension that appeals to you? Can more be added in spot that may be limited in winter’s naked beauty?
A vision of how dynamic your garden is in the winter can lend to the creativity of how gorgeous it will be in the warmer seasons. Take a winter stroll, drive or dash and grasp a look at the beauty nature has to offer even when it is naked.